According to the principles of the Revolving Capital Enterprises Application Regulation of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock with the Law No. 969, the Revolving Fund Enterprise, which was established in 2009, operates on the basis of the Budget and Balance Sheet principles; that is specified in the Ministry of Finance Revolving Fund Accounting Regulation.

In order to carry out the duties, powers and responsibilities related to the fields of activity of the National Food Reference Laboratory Directorate and the activities enumerated in the regulation, and increasing the production of goods / services as a result of the conversion of idle capacity into the production.

As a result of using the resources more efficiently, economically and efficiently, the income obtained from the analysis methods is recorded in the Revolving Fund Enterprise and the General Goods budget is provided by meeting the Goods and Services needed in the Laboratory activities from the Revolving Fund budget.  20% of the profit obtained at the end of the period is deposited in the Treasury and 80% is distributed to the personnel as the Production Incentive Premium, thereby ensuring both the motivation of employees and the quality of laboratory service.